Youth & Young Adults


Middle School Youth Ministry

St. Leo Youth Ministry is gearing up for another great year filled with faith, friendships and fun! Please keep an eye here, in the bulletin & on social media for information about program plans for the year ahead. Adults interested in volunteering and assisting with high school and middle school youth ministry are encouraged to email Colton Brown.


Please be sure to CHECK OUT this AWESOME resource for home study and continued learning on the POWER & PURPOSE of the Holy Spirit in our Lives and in God's Plan of Salvation!!


Colton Brown
CREDO Junior High Youth Coordinator


High School Youth Ministry

St. Leo Youth Ministry is up and running for another great year filled with faith, friendships and fun! Please keep an eye here, in the bulletin & on social media for information about program plans for the year ahead. Adults interested in volunteering and assisting with high school and middle school youth ministry are encouraged to contact Colton Brown for junior high and Amber Brown for senior high.

Introducing YDisciple High School Youth Ministry at Saint Leo!

Saint Leo is excited to welcome Mrs. Amber Brown to our Youth Ministry team! Amber has spent the past six years educating high school students, growing and leading youth groups, and building relationships among the young adult and high school communities.

A native of North Carolina and a life-long Catholic, Amber strives to share her love of the Faith, knowledge of the Saints, and importance of the Holy Eucharist with all she teaches and mentors. 

Amber will lead our newly formed YDisciple High School Youth Ministry as the team coordinator and curriculum volunteer trainer.  Amber’s husband, Colton Brown, will continue to be a valued part of our youth ministry team as our CREDO Junior High Youth Minister. Amber and Colton will work together to build a larger team of trained disciple-makers as part of a solid program for our youth.

In YDisciple, we will build authentic relationships, grow in the faith, and prepare to live out our mission as true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Be sure to always be in the LOOP with
our Remind app!

Join our group for all upcoming events, service ops, meeting dates/details etc. Click here to join:

Parent Support:
Thanks for your help in making this a success!

Please click here to sign-up for snacks and help. Many hands make this possible and we're always grateful for your help. 


Amber Brown
YDisciple High School Youth Coordinator

Frassati Young Adult Ministry

We are a group of young men and women in their 20s and 30s who encourage one another to grow in holiness and live a Christian life in the midst of the modern world.  We meet regularly for prayer, study, fellowship, and service in our men's and women's groups, monthly holy hour + happy hour, and various events throughout the year. By living true Christian friendship, we support one another in learning about and living our faith.

Lori Obendorf

Young Adult Events

Frassati Young Adult Night

Every Tuesday after the 5:30 PM Mass.

6:15 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet in courtyard

6:30 PM Dinner in the Youth Room

7:00 PM Study/Discussion

8:00 PM Night Prayer

Email Lori Obendorf for more information.

Women's Group 
Every Monday, 7:30 PM
Bethany Fischer’s house
We read a spiritual book together. Every first Monday of the month, we pray the rosary together.

Email Bethany for more information.

Men’s Group
1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 8:00 PM
Email Zach Jewell for more information. 

To live without faith, without a heritage to defend, without battling constantly for truth, is not to live but to 'get along'; we must never just 'get along'.

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati 
