Adult Formation Opportunities
Adult Formation
St. Leo offers a variety of Adult Formation opportunities to our parish community. For more information on the programs below, please call the church office at 336.724.0561.
The Saint Leo Speaker Series
The speaker series features topics
to support parishioners’ spiritual and
intellectual growth. All talks begin at 6:30 PM in the lower level of the Bishop Begley Parish Center.
The 2025 Speaker Schedule will be available in the fall.
Ongoing Events/Groups
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Wednesdays, 9:30-11:15 AM
September 11, 2024 — April 30, 2025
Parish Activity Center
You are welcome to join this vibrant group each Wednesday morning. The format includes small group discussion and speakers. There is a registration fee for study materials. Our next study is the book of Wisdom using the Ignatius Study Guide and a video study by Edward Sri entitled "Who Am I To Judge"
Email Mary Martha Douglas or call 336.727.0818.
Before beginning to read: …raise your mind to the Lord and implore Him to guide your mind Himself, to speak to your heart and move your will. St. Padre Pio
Christian Book Club
Every other Sunday at 7:00 PM
in the Bishop Begley Parish Center.
Join fellow parishioners to discuss assigned books throughout the year.
Current Title: Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson
Newcomers always welcome!
Email Mary Riser or call 336.817.5976.
Lord, Teach Me to Pray
Lord Teach Me To Pray, developed upon the saint-making spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, will teach you how to pray the Ignatian way and, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, help you to grow in knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. With this prayer foundation, you will strengthen the mystical body of Christ and gain priceless spiritual tools to assist you in working out your salvation, including daily scripture readings to deepen your understanding of the Christian virtues.
Reserve your space today by contacting Michael Clapp:
michaelclapp51950@gmail.com or 336-692-3828
Women interested in facilitating a women’s prayer cohort are encouraged to contact Michael for information and assistance.
St. Monica Novena
Thursdays, 9:00 AM
Main Church
Please join us on Thursday mornings. We entrust the petitions of our parish family to the intercession of St. Monica aloud within a beautiful Novena followed by the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy or quiet prayer. If you are unable to join us, please leave your prayer intentions in the marked box near the statue of Our Lady in the church.
“Nothing is far from God.” —St. Monica
Men’s Gospel Group
Thursdays, 6:45 AM - 7:45 AM
Saint Cecilia Room
Join our Group and learn how you can enrich your personal understanding of the upcoming Sunday Gospel. Using the Lector Book as our guide, we reflect on how the Gospel has influenced our lives. We have grown spiritually from listening to the Group sharing’s of their interpretation of the Gospel. We always have new insights as to how we can apply the Gospel message personally. Please join us at any time.
Paul Breitbach: jpbreitbach@gmail.com
Our Parish Fifty and Over Community!
To learn more about our Over Fifty Tempus Fugit Community, please contact: kcronin9377@gmail.com or pcronin9377@gmail.com