Find your Spiritual Home at St. Leo
Thinking about becoming Catholic? Consider RCIA.
The process of becoming Catholic is called Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Please fill out the form below or email us at rcia@stleocatholic.org for more information. Let us know if we can help you in your search to follow the Way of the Lord Jesus.
For adults today, the Church, after the Second Vatican Council, has restored the order of the Catechumenate in RCIA. It outlines the steps for the formation of catechumens, bringing their conversion to the faith to a greater maturity. It helps them respond more deeply to God's gracious initiative in their lives and prepares them for union with the Church community. This process is meant to form them into the fullness of the Christian life as disciples of Jesus, their teacher. RCIA includes initiation into the mystery of salvation, the practice of faith, hope, and love, and other virtues in a succession of liturgical rites.
Persons baptized into another Christian church who now seek full communion with the Catholic Church are also welcome to participate along with catechumens in RCIA. They bring to the process of learning about the Catholic faith and being formed in that faith their prior experience of Christian life and prayer. For a baptized Christian, reception into full communion with the Catholic Church involves reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and then a Profession of Faith followed by the celebration of Confirmation and the Eucharist.
What is RCIA?
A program designed to educate interested adults on the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church.
It Involves weekly meetings, from early September through Easter, with a break at Christmas.
Classes are intended to assist you in exploring the truths and practices of the Roman Catholic Faith.
Joining the Catholic Church is a personal decision after much prayer and study. At no time is an individual pressured to be received into the Catholic Church.
There are no monetary fees connected with the program.
The Process
From the time of the Great Commission, the Catholic Church has faithfully handed on the teachings of Jesus Christ. RCIA is an introduction to the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church. Below are the steps you can expect to follow to be in communion with the Roman Catholic Church and to help you on your faith journey.
Step 1:
Contact the parish
Please fill out the interest form below or call the parish office at 336.724.0561. Someone from the RCIA team will then contact you and answer any preliminary questions you may have.
Step 2:
Attend RCIA Classes
RCIA classes meet weekly on Monday evenings from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (September-Easter). Those who have never been baptized, those who were baptized but never confirmed, and those seeking to learn more about the Catholic Faith are welcome to attend. You may decide to discontinue the classes at any time.
Step 3:
Receive the sacraments at Easter
The Easter Vigil is the holy night when RCIA participants become full members of the Catholic Church by receiving the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism (if needed), Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.
Ready to take a step forward?
We look forward to accompanying you on your spiritual journey!