Community Outreach
Local Outreach
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Charlotte serves the poor, the vulnerable and those in need of services, regardless of race, creed or socioeconomic status. Each year, CC serves more than 18,000 people across 46 counties in the western half of NC. Please visit their website at CCDOC.org for more information and contact the local office to volunteer or donate. Located at 1612 14th Street NE, in Winston-Salem, our office is open from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Call us at 336.727.0705.
Services include a food pantry, an infant clothing closet (Wee Care Shoppe), counseling for adults, support services for teen and young parents and their babies, services for runaway and homeless youth and youth in crisis, support services for Forsyth Technical Community College students, immigration services, Translation & Interpretation Enterprise, Family Life Services, and Social Concerns and Advocacy Services.
Food Pantry Needs:
Soup, rice, canned tuna, peanut butter, dry or canned beans, canned pasta, canned fruit, tortillas, jelly, Maseca flour and personal care items (shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) Please leave your donations in the baskets available in the church entrance or by the closet doors in the Bishop Begley Parish Center.
Contact: https://ccdoc.org
Samaritan Ministries
Volunteer Opportunities:
Men's ministry: Men spend one night each month at Samaritan Ministries serving dinner and breakfast and helping in the shelter. An overnight stay may be necessary. Minimum age is 18 years old. Please contact the parish office if you are interested: 336.724.0561.
Volunteer in the soup kitchen serving lunch and/or dinner.
Participate in the several fundraisers that Samaritan Ministries holds each year.
Samaritan Ministries has the only soup kitchen in town. It opened in 1981 and on our first day we served 26 people. Currently, we serve lunch to about 400 people. About 60% of the people who eat in the soup kitchen are not homeless. They are the working poor, single parents who depend on us particularly when school is out, and elderly people on fixed incomes. Our shelter opened in 1988 and can accommodate 80 homeless men. Men stay here for 90 days. During that time, a caseworker is assigned to them to help them put together a plan to get back on their feet.
Fundraisers: Our signature event is a fall Penny Campaign to raise money in the community by collecting change.
Samaritan is connected to real people and real things. As a volunteer, you will interact and connect with people who may be very different from you, but also realize that you are not that different. It's a little bit of Pope Francis and his values right here in Winston-Salem! If you would like more information, please visit our website at www.samaritanforsyth.org.
Holiday Outreach
Our holiday outreach program provides meals and/or gifts to families in need during the Christmas and Easter seasons.
Contact: Marjorie Luckhart/ 336-816-3698
Prison Ministry
In cooperation with Catholics from other parishes, the St. Leo the Great’s prison ministry program brings the word of God and the Eucharist to Catholic inmates in the Forsyth County Jail, approximately 40 times per year, depending on the jail’s schedules. After orientation and approval by the jail authorities, volunteers come as regularly or irregularly as they wish. We hope to expand our program in various ways in the coming months.
Contact: Parish Office /336.724.0561
Culture of Life
A committed group of parishioners dedicated to preserving life from conception to natural death through prayer, community programs and education.
Next 40 Days for Life:
March 5 - April 13
Planned Parenthood
3010 Maplewood Avenue Winston-Salem, NC
Join this worldwide mobilization to pray and fast for the end to abortion.
40 Days for Life: https://triadcoalitionforlife.org/40-days-for-life/
Contact: Brenda Forrester
Walking with Moms in Need
Birthright is an independent organization and pregnancy support center dedicated to giving women the help, tools, and knowledge they need regarding their pregnancy. Contact: 336.774.0456 or Birthrightws@gmail.com.
Room at the Inn operates housing and programs for single, pregnant women and single mothers with children suffering from homelessness offering them opportunities to have new healthy and hope-filled independence. Contact: 336.275.9566 or info@roominn.org.
Salem Pregnancy Care Center offers nonjudgmental pregnancy support, parenting programs, referrals for community resources, STD education, and post-abortive care referrals. Contact: 336.760.3680 (call or text)