Sacramental Preparation
The Sacrament of Baptism is offered two Saturdays each month at 10:00 AM by appointment only. Parents must be registered and active parishioners for at least 3 months before scheduling a baptism. Baptism Preparation Class, offered once a month, is required and both parents must attend. Please contact the church office at 336.724.0561 to register for the class and schedule a Baptism.
*Please note: your Baptism class and date of Baptism must be confirmed with the church office, even if you have submitted a form. If you took the class previously, then you do not need to take it again with subsequent children.
Forms +
2025 Baptism Dates
April 26
May 17 & 24
June 21 at 9:00 AM
July 19 & 26
August 16 & 23
September 20 & 27
October 18 & 25
2025 Class DatesApril 27
May 18
*The classes are at 11:30am downstairs in the Parish Center. Please contact the church office 336.724.0561 to register.
First Reconciliation
This sacrament is traditionally celebrated in the second grade. Candidates will prepare for First Reconciliation from September through mid-January and will participate in the celebration of Reconciliation for the first time in mid January. Parents are required to attend a meeting at the beginning of preparation.
For children to participate in this sacrament, they should have completed the following requirements:
Must be a baptized Catholic.
Completed a Catholic religious education program or attended a Catholic school during the previous school year.
Be in at least second grade.
Please email Lauren Garner at info@stleocatholic.org or call 336.724.0561.
First Holy Communion
This sacrament is traditionally celebrated in the second grade. Candidates will prepare for First Holy Communion from February until May and will celebrate the sacrament in early May. Parents will be required to attend a parent meeting at the beginning of preparation.
For children to participate in this sacrament they should have completed the following requirements:
Must be a baptized Catholic.
Completed a Catholic religious education program or attended a Catholic school during the previous school year.
Be in at least second grade.
Please email Lauren Garner at info@stleocatholic.org or call 336.724.0561.
Confirmation at St. Leo typically takes place in the spring of eighth grade. Those enrolling in Confirmation preparation must have completed at least one year of religious education before they can begin Confirmation preparation. For most candidates, this means they were either in seventh grade Faith Formation or enrolled in Catholic School. For candidates in high school, it means they were either in eighth grade Faith Formation or in Life Teen High School Youth Ministry. Additionally, candidates must be participating in religious education for their current grade. For our eighth graders, it means Faith Formation or Catholic School; for our high schoolers, it means Life Teen.
Confirmation Date +
May 6, 2025
Forms & Documents +
Marriage Preparation
Our marriage preparation program is designed to help you embrace the responsibilities of life-long married love with freedom and joy. From the beginning of marriage preparation, a full six months must elapse before the earliest possible date for your wedding.
To determine if you are eligible to be married at St. Leo the Great, please review our Wedding Guidelines.
Please do not confirm venue plans until you have contacted the parish.
Contact: Mary Beth Young info@stleocatholic.org.
Think you are being invited by the Lord to consider the priesthood or the religious life? Please talk with any of the parish priests or visit the Diocese of Charlotte Vocations Website.