Get Involved: Liturgy & Worship
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest at liturgies. Open to all students beginning in grade 3.
Training Sessions:
For those who are interested in beginning Altar Serving at St. Leo, please contact Stefanie Bates (stefanie.bates@aol.com) to find out about trainings for new servers and to be included on the email list.
All students who have received First Holy Communion may serve. Please contact the parish office for more information. info@stleocatholic.org
Altar Servers work together to assist with the Sunday liturgies through different roles and responsibilities. They add new elements to the Divine Liturgy by increasing its solemnity and service to God with the use of processional lanterns, communion patens, incense and liturgical processions.
For more information, please contact Stefanie Bates:
Elizabeth Salter
Director of Sacred Music/Liturgy
St. Leo Parish Choir
The St. Leo Parish Choir is a dedicated group of singers who lead and enhance the music of our liturgies. Vocalists from grade 9 through senior adults are welcome and invited to join us. We are a small church community in our larger parish. We laugh a lot and pray and care for each other while we serve.
Cantors sing the responsorial psalm and other sung portions of the liturgy. Please contact our Director of Sacred Music and Liturgy to express interest.
Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Caryn Sears
Proclaim the first and second scripture readings during the Liturgy of the Word. If you are interested in becoming a lector at any Mass, please call the church office to let us know.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist also carry Holy Communion to the sick of our parish who reside in their homes or assisted living facilities.
Extend hospitality to all those coming to Mass, collect our monetary offerings, pass out bulletins and help to keep our worship spaces in good order.
Jim DeCristo
Saint Veronica’s Guild
Launder and iron altar linens on a rotating basis.
Ensure that all ministries are present and all preparations have been made for a particular liturgy.
Saint Martha’s Ministry
Clean the Sacristy area on a rotating basis.