Our Parish History
Saint Leo the Great Catholic Church
Winston-Salem, NC
With roots going back to the late nineteenth century, Saint Leo the Great’s early parish history tells the tale of the small but faithful community of Catholics in the Winston-Salem area. After initially meeting in homes and a local meeting hall, the faithful were able to build a church in the 1890’s at the corner of Fourth Street and Brookstone Avenue under the leadership of the Benedictine monk Bishop Leo Haid. Bishop Haid had been named by Pope Leo XIII as his local representative and administrator of the newly formed Vicariate Apostolic of North Carolina (not a diocese because of the relatively low number of Catholics in the area). It should come as no surprise that under the leadership of these two great Leos, that the parish would seek the patronage of a third Leo: Pope Saint Leo the Great.
With the care of the Benedictine monks from Belmont Abbey, the parish grew quickly. By 1916 plans were underway to build a new church. With the aid of the Knights of Columbus, the leading families of the parish, and many of the local Protestants, construction began in 1927 with the cornerstone for the new church building laid on January 15, 1928. Worship began in the current church soon thereafter, despite it not being completed until 1929.
Timeline of Notable Moments
Current church construction is completed.
Saint Benedict the Moor parish is established on the eastern side of Winston-Salem.
Since their arrival to the diocese in 1943, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill, PA have been integral to the founding and flourishing of our schools – from Villa Maria Anna Academy in 1949 to Saint Leo Catholic School in 1953 and Bishop McGuinness High School in 1959. The Sisters of Saint Joseph served faithfully until 2021.
Our Lady of Mercy parish & Our Lady of Fatima chapel comes into being, each drawing their territory from Saint Leo parish area.
Rev. Fr. Charles B. McLaughlin, pastor of Saint Leo the Great, is consecrated Auxiliary Bishop of Raleigh. He continues to serve as pastor, along with taking on other responsibilities of assisting the Bishop of Raleigh. (He was later appointed as the 1st Bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida.)
Saint Leo the Great reaches the milestone of 500 registered families in the parish.
The church underwent sanctuary renovations encouraged by the Second Vatican Council and the addition of two confessionals in the rear of the church.
In the span of 5 years, the parish grows from 500 to 700 families.
Further renovations to the Sanctuary of Saint Leo completed.
May 1, 1990, groundbreaking for new activity center. Sept. 15, 1991, dedication of Bishop Begley Activity Center by Bishop John F. Donoghue.
The parish purchased the present rectory located across the street from the church.
The columbarium was blessed on November 2, 2001. It and the Memory Gardens were completed by November 2, 2002.
Saint Leo has continued to grow and flourish, and as of January 2021, has approximately 1800 families registered in the parish.
Pastors of Saint Leo the Great
2020-Present Reverend Christopher M. Gober
2007-2020 Reverend Brian J. Cook
2002-2007 Reverend Thomas J. Kessler
2000-2002 Reverend Cecil Tice
1993-2000 Reverend James Solari
1985-1993 Monsignor Joseph S. Showfety
1982-1985 Reverend Anthony Kovacic
1977-1982 Monsignor Richard F. Allen
1973-1977 Monsignor William G. Wellein
1971-1973 Reverend James Noonan
1966-1971 Monsignor Michael J. Begley
1963-1966 Reverend Charles B. McLaughlin
1947-1963 Monsignor Dennis J. Lynch
1946 Reverend Vincent J. Mahoney (Administrator)
1942-1946 Reverend Michael J. Begley
?-? Reverend Jerome Finn, O.S.B.
1924-1927 Reverend Ignatius Remke, O.S.B.
1916-1924 Reverend Willibald Baumgarter, O.S.B.